vendredi 9 mars 2012

Etsy Store Contest

I have posted the first pair of earrings for sale on etsy!

It is the fruit of a lot of perseverance and support from friends & family,
and I am very excited about it!

it's right here:

There will be more earrings and other designs listed for sale later on but for now,
I want to celebrate the creation of the Etsy Store by having a little contest here on this blog.

You can win this pair of earrings:


All you have to do is leave a comment here under this article and there will be a draw !
You have until friday 9th midnight PST (UTC-8) to leave a comment.


And that's how this type of earrings fits
on one's neck:

Good Luck!

3 commentaires:

  1. Congratulations on your new Etsy account, it is so exciting!

    PS: Yay, I'm the first one to leave a comment!!! :)

  2. Congratulations, Julia! I am looking forward to hearing of your shop's success!

  3. Trop tard pour gagner les boucles, mais bravo quand même ! YAY ! Hip hip hip hourra ! Congrats, et surtout, continue, dans quelques années on pourra tous se vanter d'avoir connu Julia avant qu'elle ne soit devenue une star du bijoux ! :-)
