after 5 months depending on our neighbor's Wi-Fi signal, Dale and I decided to get our own modem.
So it's great to be back. Great to be able to post on my blog, to podcast my favorite radio shows from France.
But during these past few months, we were convincing ourselves...
...ooh the enjoyement to have our lives back!
(Not being glued to the internet for so long might even have cured our addiction to silly videos and crafty blogs.
Ahem, time will tell.)
...oooh the time allowed to actually geting things done!
One of the things that got done in may 2011:
Another thing achieved by the woodworking hubby:
for the Shambhala Center.
Beautiful isn't it?
Bien contente de te retrouver ici ma belle !!! Dis moi, tu demanderais à Dale de nous expédier une jolie table à langer????
RépondreEffacerParait qu'on va en avoir besoin par ici en décembre ;-)
plein de bisous à vous deux (on vous attend pour la photo du faire part ;-))