mercredi 18 mai 2011


Kootenay School of the Arts
year 2011 exhibit

(1st year student dude!)

Erin's marvells
(1st year student dude!)



Check those woven pieces

little light fixtures, with L.E.D.
felted wool & mirrors.

between the purple octopus & the blue penis,
which one is cutter?

felted shawl and silk fanny pack/survival belt

lundi 16 mai 2011

vite fait les photos de l'expo!

A quick look at the pictures taken during our exhibit held at the Kootenay School of the Arts.
These are my pieces:

some hand thrown mugs and a vase.
All oxydation firings, cone 6.

Here a couple of bowls gas fired (reduction firing)

some mugs that I hand painted with underglaze, which is
close to using real acrylic paint,
then dipping into clear glaze and fired at cone 6.
I got the inspiration from a book about Art Nouveau tiles.
(thanks Tracy for all the inspirations!)

Here's a mix of oxydation and reduction pieces.
Yes, that is supposed to be a little bathtub with an orange
towell on it. Why?

the only lidded vessel that I was happy about, despite my 2 teapots...

One of my favorite teapot. hand thrown handle (imagine a hollow tire)
all pieces in set were gas fired.
Hence the variations in colors that you can see where there was not enough oxygen.
Love it!

I do want to thank a few other people beside Tracy:
Lisa for all her firing energy and support,
Erin for her artistic attitude (dude!) and unique approach,
Anita for her studio wisdom and chaperonning,
Kristen for her kindness and her generous technical sharing,

it was great to make it through this 1st year by your sides.

That's it for now!

vendredi 6 mai 2011

Le cas "Vivian Maier"

My friend Hazel told me about this photographer, and I was immediatley captivated by the story and wanted to know more about this recently discovered photographer.

Check out the blog below:

Or just google her name, it's
Vivian Maier

Thank you Hazel for sharing this with me. What an incredible work she's done.