vendredi 31 décembre 2010

Fire & Ice

Cette photo fait la couverture de la lettre d'information éditée par la Coop pour le mois de janvier.
Ca me fait drôlement plaisir.

C'était sympa d'organiser cette journée autour du thème "Feu & Glace".
Dale et moi avons pris le petit traversier pour rejoindre Proctor. Là où son équipe construit une maison.

J'avais préparé un borsch (soupe polonaise traditionnelle avec des betteraves et du choux) avec vermicelles, un thermos de thé et des biscuits (de Kalika).

Résultat, une journée enneigée MAIS où nous pouvions nous réchauffer, notamment avec ce feu de camp.
(photo également publiée dans la newsletter, p.3)

Thanks Jocelyn for the inspiration!

jeudi 30 décembre 2010

new house

In one month, we will be moving into our own house !

Dale and I are very excited (and a little nervous "will there be something wrong with the house? will we pack everything at the last minute?"...etc) and we love imagining what we will make of this place. We'll make it our home, that's for sure and also a place for our friend Camille if she likes it.
In the meantime we call it "The Broccoli Patch".

Because a looong time ago, this part of the town was probably all farmland and they probably grew some hardy green right where the house got built.

I'll try to do some research on that, but in the meantime, here it is:

Cute, isn't it?

Thanks guys! you were right, it IS great to have a picture of it with the "SOLD" sign on it.

lundi 27 décembre 2010

Victorian Dress Up...

One of the things I love about living in Canada is how much more fun we have at work. As opposed to my working experience in France...were everything had to be so serious, male chauvinists dominated and boring.
But let's talk about the good things !

On december 22nd, the Coop had organized a Victorian Christmas day. All the staff got their costumes at the capitol (courtesy of the Coop!) and we looked pretty awesome.

I remembered to take my camera with me that day, and here's what I got (just click on picture to go to play them all...)


You should have seen customers'reactions, "confused" for some of them but mostly a big smile. And that felt good.

vendredi 24 décembre 2010


These were already posted a few month ago and were also the very first sold during that craft fair.
brass fan chandeliers, mini-charms and boots buttons

brass butterflies rings, recycled buttons and boots buttons

mardi 21 décembre 2010

more jewellery / plus de bijoux II

More items that I made for that craft fair, did I mention it was december 3rd? Why? Just because.
Let's have the pictures speak for themselves.

dimanche 19 décembre 2010

More jewellery / plus de bijoux

More close-up pictures of the items I made for the Staff Craft Fair at the Coop.
Plus de gros-plans des pièces que j'avais faites pour la vente des employés de la Coop.

brass butterfly ring, leaf and tiny charms earings with recycled buttons.
b.o. anneau papillons, feuilles et petits charmes en laiton avec des boutons recyclés.

brass butterfly ring, bead and vintage fabric covered buttons.
b.o. anneau papillons, boutons bottine et boutons recouverts de tissu ancien.

earings with copper and liberty fabric.
b.o. cuivre et tissu liberty

more to come...

vendredi 17 décembre 2010

Jewellery display

In preparation for ths Staff Craft Fair and also for the gifts season, I made a whole bunch of earings, bracelets and necklaces.

32 pieces, either with brass or copper, and old buttons, liberty fabric and littles charms.

Less words, more pictures.

A suivre...

mardi 14 décembre 2010

body lotion


After more than a month away from this blog, a come back to show you one of the many crafty activities that kept me busy.

The home made body lotion. Made with Mimi, first for ourselves and then for a Staff Craft Fair.

We used :
  • shea butter
  • coconut oil
  • almond oil
  • jojoba oil
  • orange blossom water
  • beeswax
  • vitamin E
and then we added vanilla, or grapefruit essential oil. It was a bit messy in the kitchen but so much fun ! And the result is a rich texture, which according to a friend could be called "elbow grease" because it would be perfect for dry skin areas.

Of course there is an issue with the picture I you'll have to imagine.
Or ask me for a sample of either the grapefuit or the vanilla-chaï one!